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0843 836 0201

Refund Policy

Please read this money-back guaranteed apostille policy carefully.

Money-back guarantee

After placing your order, payment remains refundable in full as long as we have not completed any of the following work:

  • obtained an apostille
  • authenticated document(s)
  • translated document(s)
  • performed legal services
  • performed notarial services

If we have performed or partially performed any of the above services or made disbursements on your behalf, such as paying FCDO fees, we may grant only a partial refund at our discretion.

Guaranteed Apostille

Guaranteed apostille only applies if you can supply documents of a suitable type and format. If the FCDO Legalisation Office rejects your documents as unsuitable for apostille, we will either:

  • Resubmit your documents without further charge


  • Refund all fees subject to the caveats mentioned above.

However, we will not refund where documents are rejected on suspicion of fraud or in cases of force majeure.

If you submit documents of a type that cannot be apostilled by the FCDO or legalised by an embassy, we will:

  • Cancel your order
  • Refund you payment(s)
  • Return your document(s)

We will not refund you if we suspect forged documents or fraud, nor if you are unable or unwilling to adhere to our reasonable requests to submit documents in an acceptable format.

How to request a refund?

To request a refund, please email [email protected] with the subject “Refund Request” and include your order reference. If you are unable to email please call us on 0843 836 0201.

How is the refund made?

We make customer refunds within ten days using the same payment method as used to place the original order. When refunds are made to credit or debit cards, there is usually an additional processing period before the refunded money appears in your account.